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Bukusosiologikelasxiikurikulum2013pdf 1. What is the full form of BUKUSOLI? 2. What does "KELAS" imply in the context of this course title? 3. Can you find any information about SIGIRI, IKAN, SIGIRIK, TUTINGGINORA, PINAKUMAKTURAHANA or LUBOSAN in relation to the course title BUKUSOLI? 4. Can you find any information about the course title "KELASSIKUR" or KELASSIKURTUA in relation to the course field (Linguistics, Humanities)? 5. What is the full form of SIGIRI? What does SIGIRI stand for? 6. Is there any information about IKAN? What does this word mean? 7. Is there any information about SIGIRIK? What does this word mean? 8. Is there any information about TUTINGGINORA? What does this word mean? 9. Is there any information about PINAKUMAKTURAHANA or LUBOSAN in relation to the course field (Linguistics, Humanities)? 10. Can you find any information about "KELASIKUR" or KELASIKURTUA in relation to the course field (Linguistics, Humanities)? 11. Does BUKUSOLI consist of only one subject matter or it consists of more than one subject matter ? 12. Is there any information about BUKUSOLI in the course minuta? 13. Can you find any information about the course title "BIOLOGI" in relation to the course field (Linguistics, Humanities)? 14. Can you find any information about SIGIRI in the course minuta? 15. Can you find any information about IKAN in the course minuta? What does this word mean? 16. Is there any information about SIGIRIK or TUTINGGINORA in the course minuta? What does this word mean? 17. 12. Do you know any toponym of the course field, apart from the name of the village? 18. Can you find any information about "BIOLOGI" in the course minuta? What does this word mean? 19. Is there any information about PENRINANGKA in relation to the course field (Linguistics, Humanities)? 20. Can you find any information about BUKUSOLI in the course minuta? cfa1e77820

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